What’s in it for your business?

Innovation that enhances your brand reputation

With Proactive Analytics, give your brand more than just peace of mind. 

    • Allows increased production uptime by extending maintenance intervals

    • Eliminate risk of lost production due to maintenance intervention

    • Eliminate routine scheduled testing, associated downtime and false results

    • Eliminate product recalls for any class of contamination

    • Eliminate misdiagnosis of “good” heat exchangers

    • 100% confidence in heat exchangers’ integrity

    • Knowing, rather than assuming, that the heat exchanger is good

    • Documented evidence of heat exchanger integrity

    • Ability to directly quantify scale of leak should one occur

    • Avoid manual errors when testing a heat exchanger: false positive or negative


Can ExiFlo® be installed to an existing system? 

Yes, ExiFlo® has been specifically designed to be either retrofitted to an existing system with very little downtime.

Does the system need to be taken offline, disconnected, or inspected to carry out an integrity test? 

With ExiFlo®, everything is done in situ without the need to disconnect or interrupt your production cycle. This reduces downtime and minimises contamination by utilising your existing process fluid under normal production conditions. 

How regularly are integrity tests carried out? 

Tests can be carried out as frequently as you require, but we would typically recommend setting an automated test at the start and end of each batch or shift. Manual tests can also be carried out on an ad-hoc basis. 

How quickly do I see results from the test?

Data is available in real-time, either remotely or at the module, so decisions can be made quickly without slowing down your production cycles. This provides peace of mind that every batch that goes out for distribution has passed the necessary tests. 

Will we need to train our operators to use ExiFlo® and carry out the tests? 

No, as the operation is automated, no advanced training is required. We will however provide training to carry out manual tests however the system has been designed to be very intuitive. 

Why do I need ExiFlo® when we already have a testing procedure in place across the industry? 

ExiFlo® provides significantly shorter and more reliable testing, eliminates downtime, mitigates false readings, gives a more accurate pressure testing tolerance and greater flexibility with in-line testing. Whilst testing procedures may already be in existence, ExiFlo® provides a superior and more effective alternative.

Are Exiflo® and Catasta® available right now?

Currently, the product is in the late development stage. Please contact us if you are interested in becoming a potential Beta partner or user.

The benefits to your business